Various dates in 2025. Learn the ancient art of rolling and gain maximum safety and control in the kayak. Beginners to advanced.
April 20-25, 2025. Are you already paddling safely on the lake and now want to learn to kayak on the sea? Then this is the right course for you!
Silvy Seal is playfulness personified. She loves learning new things and moving around in the water. With this nature, it's only natural that she's in charge of our courses!
Silvy Seal is playfulness personified. She loves learning new things and moving around in the water. With this nature, it's only natural that she's in charge of our courses!
10.–18.07.2025. We have moved to a new area: the Höga Kusten. Discover the fantastic north of the Baltic Sea with us. Archipelagos, forests, mountains. Almost like Canada.
10.–18.07.2025. We have moved to a new area: the Höga Kusten. Discover the fantastic north of the Baltic Sea with us. Archipelagos, forests, mountains. Almost like Canada.
Our touring expert Gitta Gaviota loves freedom and being on the move more than anything. Do you too? Then you'll get along brilliantly!
Our touring expert Gitta Gaviota loves freedom and being on the move more than anything. Do you too? Then you'll get along brilliantly!
18.–23.05.2025. Enormous tides as well as swell, cliffs and tide races offer a true sea kayaking paradise for paddlers with moderate experience.
08.–13.06.2025. The hit to kick off the summer: a week's holiday in the sea kayaking paradise on the coast of Asturias. for all paddlers with medium experience or more.
Full-blooded holiday professional and connoisseur by conviction Frédéric Flamant welcomes you to our sea kayaking holidays! What that means to him is something he will tell you best himself...
Full-blooded holiday professional and connoisseur by conviction Frédéric Flamant welcomes you to our sea kayaking holidays! What that means to him is something he will tell you best himself...
The Salty Cosmos is a universe full of adventure and freedom, where people meet each other with kindness, openness and solidarity. Here we learn with and from each other. In the Salty Cosmos there is no machismo, no racism, no homophobia and there are no ego-cowboys.
If you also long for such a universe, if you like to laugh with others, maybe sometimes also about yourself, if it's second nature for you to pick up a plastic bag from the beach and if you like to achieve your goals in company with others, then you will feel comfortable with us.