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Sea Kayak Holidays



Kaum ein Ort in Europa würde sich besser eignen für einen gediegenen Abschluss der warmen Paddelsaison als das grossartige Cap de Creus im Norden von Katalonien, direkt unterhalb der französisch-spanischen Küste: Wenn es in der Schweiz bereits kühl und herbstlich ist, herrschen hier, an der katalanischen Küste, normalerweise noch immer wunderbar angenehme Temperaturen. Warme Tage mit viel Sonnenschein und angenehm warmes Wasser, das mit rund 20 Grad nicht nur perfekt zum Paddeln, sondern auch zum Baden und Schnorcheln ist, locken genauso wie die unglaublich schöne Küstenlandschaft des streng geschützten Nationalparks am östlichsten Punkt Spaniens.

Hast du Lust, dem Herbst ein Schnippchen zu schlagen und deiner Paddelsaison noch ein Krönchen aufzusetzen? Eine Paddelwoche, so reichhaltig und kurzweilig wie ein Tapas-Buffet? Ein bisschen Touring, etwas Rockhopping und Küsten Erforschen, vielleicht sogar eine Prise Surfen oder alternativ eine unstressige Rollsession in einer einsamen Cala in der Mittagssonne? Dann komm mit uns mit ans Cap de Creus und geniesse eine Woche lang das Leben im Seekajakparadies am nördlichen Ende der Costa Brava, ohne Touristenströme und nur eine Tagesreise entfernt von der Schweiz – übrigens sogar perfekt erreichbar mit ÖV.

Diese Woche ist ein Highlight für Paddler*innen aller Niveaus. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du bislang sicher auf dem See unterwegs warst oder schon jede Menge Meereserfahrung sammeln konntest. An diesem wunderschönen und perfekten Ort zum Seekajakfahren wirst du glücklich werden und voll auf deine Kosten kommen.


Programme Day 1
Day 1
Our camp begins on Sunday at around 10:00 with the official welcome and introduction round and the distribution of kayaks and gear. Of course, we will also go paddling afterwards – depending on what makes sense given the conditions. Either directly from the beach near the campsite or somewhere else. We will see…
Programme Days 2–5
Days 2-5
We will publish more details about the programme and the possibilities here in the next few weeks.
Programme Day 6
On our last day of paddling we will make sure we get off the water by 16:00 at the latest and end the course with a feedback session. You have enough time to take care of your equipment or preparing for your departure. We recommend planning this for Friday evening at the earliest, or even better Saturday.

If you have borrowed gear from us, we ask that you rinse everything with fresh water and return it to us clean and salt-free by Friday evening.
More Info
Participant Numbers: Minimum 5, Maximum 10
Languages: German and English


This is what you may hope for

Mild temperatures and pleasant conditions can be expected. The water will definitely still be very warm and pleasant for swimming.

The main wind direction in this area is northwest and unfortunately that sometimes means Tramuntana – the Catalan sister of the infamous Mistral. However, around our base on the rocky south coast of the cape we are quite well protected from winds from northern directions. The north coast or the Bay of Portlligat offer us protection from southerly winds.

When there is a northerly wind, the sea is calm on the south coast. In southerly winds however, conditions pick up in our bay. Then the waves can build up quite steeply. But don't worry: if the predicted conditions are likely to be too difficult, we can usually find calmer seas on the nearby north coast of the Cape. Our peninsula offers us either protection or waves in almost all weather conditions, depending on what it is we are looking for. Therefore, there are rarely days here when we are stuck on land.


This is what you may expect

Click on the pictures to learn more about the activities.

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Discover Europe's Most Beautiful Coastlines With Us

There are paddlers for whom sea kayaking primarily means making distance. Often these people paddle purposefully in a straight line past the most beautiful coasts – and overlook all the small and large things that there are to discover. So many beautiful things, so many incredible things, so many spontaneous adventures – if you take the time for them. That's exactly what we mean by "exploring the coast": taking advantage of every opportunity for experiences and fascinating discoveries. The lines between “touring” and “play” blur depending on what presents itself to us. Depending on the tide, swell, wind and weather, a coastline is always different.

We don't measure the success of a paddle-day in kilometers, but in the number of "Wows"! And believe us: there are a lot of them where we go sea kayaking with you.
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Fantastic Day Trips

Touring doesn't always mean that you have to paddle for several days with a lot of luggage: Exciting day trips let you enjoy the juicy bits of a coast and you're back at the base camp in the evening. And at the same time, a "day trip" doesn't always have to be synonymous with touring: Just as often as we undertake an excursion-style day trip, we go on paddle-strolls "just around the corner" to a particularly cool rock garden, a tide race or Surf beach and see what happens there. This way, without paddling many kilometers, we also make great, fulfilling and exciting days of sea kayaking.
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Rockhopping: Big Fun, Also in Smaller Waves

Next to surfing, rock hopping is certainly the most playful activity in the vast cosmos of sea kayaking. Paddling with the waves at exactly the right moment over a washed-over granite rock, through narrow passages and into bubbling rock features – always in the rhythm of the waves – that's rock hopping. It takes timing, skill, good observation skills, confident control strokes and a bit of boat control, which fortunately grows with each session.

Rock hopping is an activity that quickly becomes addictive and is a lot of fun. There is no need for big waves. On the contrary: the best rock hopping sessions take place in generally rather calm conditions. Even small waves can create turbulence, suction and very dynamic conditions between the rocks. You have to accept scratches and dents in your kayak before involving in this activity, otherwise it definitely won't be fun. Even a small hole in the boat can happen from time to time, which is why we always have repair materials with us. And to ensure that no injuries occur, we always exercise caution. A good rule for rock hopping is: never play where you don't want to swim.
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What is this?
What is this?


This is what we expect from you

You can swim

You are comfortable paddling on lakes

Experience in waves of 0.5 m and F3 winds


This is what you can rely on

The sea does what it does. With our safety parameters we determine the maximum environmental conditions up to which we will go on the water* during this programme:
Offshore wind:
  • Up to 15 knots (wind force 4) in areas with predominantly steep banks that offer enough protection
  • Up to 10 knots (wind force 3) in areas with predominantly flat shorelines that offer insufficient protection

Onshore wind:
  • Up to 10 knots (wind force 3) in areas with predominantly steep, rocky shores
  • Up to 15 knots (wind force 4) in areas with flat, sandy shores with easy landing options
  • Swell of up to 0.5m and maximum 12 sec. period in areas with predominantly rocky shores
  • Swell of up to 1m and a maximum of 12 sec. period in areas with predominantly sandy, flat shores that provide safe landing
The sea weather report or swell forecast serves as the basis for assessment. In the case of short, steep wind waves, cross seas, etc., the situation is assessed individually.
If it is not possible to find these (or easier) conditions in our paddling area, we will stay on land. Other safety parameters (extreme gusts, rapidly falling air pressure, thunderstorms, etc.) also apply.

* For more information on this topic, see our FAQs


This is what you need to organise by yourself

For all of our programs, arrival and departure as well as all transport and on-site accommodation are the responsibility of the participants. This means that you have to take care of these things yourself. Below you will find all the information you need:
Meeting point & arrival

Meeting point:
Camping Ampurdanes
Carrer Rembrandt, 8
17480 Roses, Girona
Website: https://campingampurdanes.es

For a quieter and relaxed start to the course, we recommend arriving the day before (Saturday). When exactly you arrive is completely your choice. Please prepare to be self-sufficient on the day of arrival and note that your Salty Cosmos team is also busy preparing and will not be available before the course begins.

The course starts on Sunday morning (October 19th) at 10:00.

Getting there:
The campsite at the far eastern end of Roses is very easy to reach by car (e.g. from Bern in just about 9 hours). When making travel arrangements, please don't forget to ask the other participants whether they are looking for or offering a ride.

Public transport is relatively uncomplicated up to the central Roses bus station. However, from there we recommend taking a taxi.

We can particularly recommend traveling by TGV. There is a direct connection between Lyon Part Dieu and Figueres Vilafant without changing trains. Public transport between Figueres and Roses is also relatively straightforward to the Roses central bus station. However, we recommend a taxi from there at the latest.

For anyone who lives a little further away and wants or needs to fly, we recommend Girona, which is much closer, as a destination in addition to the large airport of Barcelona (e.g. very cheap with Ryanair from Karlsruhe, Memmingen or Düsseldorf non-stop). Cheap flights to Barcelona are mainly available from Vueling or EasyJet.
During this course week, we will be staying on the quiet and very nice campsite Ampurdanes in Roses, which is practically located directly by the sea. In addition to plenty of spaces for tents and mobile homes or caravans, Ampurdanes also offers bungalows for rent.

If you don't want to stay at the campsite, you can of course also look for an alternative nearby (holiday apartment, AirBnB, hotel, etc.). However, it is important that you are able to get to the agreed meeting point on time, independently and without any problems.
Please remember that either way you are responsible for organising, booking and paying your accommodation.
In all Salty Cosmos programmes, food and drinks are generally the responsibility of the participants. Please consider whether you would like to cook for yourself or eat in a privately organised communal group.
Accident insurance, travel health insurance, rescue and recovery insurance
In all Salty Cosmos programs, accident insurance, travel health insurance and rescue and recovery insurance are the responsibility of the participants. Please take care of these things early.

Cancellation cost insurance
Please take out cancellation insurance when you complete your booking. If you were to become sick ahead of the programme, it would be a pity if you were not only missing out, but also losing money.

More questions? See our FAQs

This is what Frédéric Flamant says

Autumn is not my season at all! The idea that summer should be over is simply terrifying. Luckily there is this camp, here in sunny Catalonia, on the warm Mediterranean. Let's do everything we can together to beat the approaching cold season! You go paddling in the sun and I keep on researching the best chiringuitos and cafes in the area. You'll probably see me from time to time in a nice, quiet cala in the afternoon sun, where I'll allow myself a break every now and then to recover from this not-so-easy task. Because in the evenings I want to be fit again so I can enjoy tapas and cava with you!

But just between us: I'm not even thinking about returning to cold Switzerland with the others afterwards. I'd rather make an escape at the end of the week and join a nice flamingo colony for the winter. You'll see me again in the spring! Promised!

Normal price
1250 CHF*

Price including use of our gear

This price includes a kayak, paddle and all the gear you need for participating. You need to order this gear separately after booking, ahead the programme.

Arrival and departure, accommodation and meals are the responsibility of the participants and are therefore not included in the price.

Reduced Price
1100 CHF*

Price with your own material

Price if you participate with your own equipment. You are responsible for bringing your kayak and equipment and, if necessary, transporting them during the programme.

Arrival and departure, accommodation and meals are the responsibility of the participants and are therefore not included in the price.

*Net price plus Spanish VAT (21%)

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